About Us
"The earth is what we all have in common"
Wendel Berry
Ready or not here we come!
We are so excited to be continuing the work that Grandma and Grandpa have taken so much pride in for 50 years. Our ranch in Savageton, Wyoming has been in Marty's family since 1916. The first generation to homestead here and stake their claim to the first 320 acres. It's because of their hard work and dedication that we are blessed with the opportunity to take our turn as the 4th generation to take over this ranch.
We started to show up to work with our young family in tow. We had a lot to learn and began taking on projects that gradually got larger and more involved. We spent every weekend staying with Grandma and Grandpa learning the ropes with their guidance and 85 years of experience. We treasure the time we've spent with them.
In 2013, we took over the managerial aspects of the ranch and in 2016, we left our jobs in town and were excited to move our family permanently to the country.

There were a lot of things that needed repair around the ranch. Some of the water wells, fences, and hay fields were tired and no longer in good working condition. We went straight to work! This is hands down the best place on earth to raise kids! Our kids are hard workers and we are so fortunate to work side by side with them on a regular basis. The skills and responsibilities they are learning are so valuable to their future. We have been converting all of our water wells from windmills to solar power, with float systems. This ensures less waste and that our cattle and the wildlife always have a fresh reliable water supply.
After 3 generations of conventional farming, we decided it was best to switch to a more regenerative practice. We've implemented a no till farming program with crop rotation on our 900 acres of hay ground. This helps us feed the soil so it can grow the absolute best hay for our cattle. We now leave no ground uncovered the way God intended. Miles upon miles of fence have been built for our rotational grazing program. Making smaller pastures helps us better manage the land where the native grasses thrive as a nutritional powerhouse for the cows. Wyoming is home to some of the finest rangeland in the world so there is never a need for synthetic additives. Absolutely no fertilizers or pesticides applied.
As stewards of this land we want to make sure its cared for with proper intention, conservation, and restoration. We are proud to serve the land and the animals with respect for God's creation.

Beef For Sale
Selling our beef isn't new to us. We've been selling beef locally to our friends and family for over a decade and have many loyal customers. With the current economic state, questionable labeling and processing practices we've decided to share our delicious trusted beef with families just like yours. We all deserve to eat safe, healthy beef from a real ranching family that you can trust. We adore the animals and caring for them ensuring they get to have the best life. You will never have to worry with Wyoming Wholesome, our meat will never have antibiotics, steroids, added hormones, dyes or preservatives. Your beef will always be of the highest quality. This is the beef we feed our family and are proud to offer the same to you.
Welcome to Wyoming Wholesome Ranch Raised Beef!
Marty and Darci Edwards